What is dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is utilizing a special knife to scrape the upper layers of the epidermis to remove dead skin and hair. It’s usually performed by an aesthetician, but there are a variety of at-home options that you can utilize. Of course, getting it done by a pro means they have access to surgical-grade tools that no one can get in neighborhood stores or online shopping websites. It’s much like a facial or a manicure – getting it done by a technician will be slightly different.
What are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?
The dead epidermal cells that have built up on your face are gently scraped off using the blade. This exfoliates your skin giving your face a clean and fresh look. Dermaplaning helps reduce the appearance of acne scars, promotes collagen production, and cell turnover (AKA: natural anti-aging properties). It’s great for removing the peach fuzz from your face, which in turn makes your face feel super soft!

Upkeep with dermaplaning helps reduce acne formation due to oils, dead skin, and environmental debris being removed, preventing the hair follicle from being backed up. People with rosacea are highly recommended to schedule a dermaplaning session as it can reduce the symptoms!
Are there any concerns with Dermaplaning?
A common misconception and one of the biggest concerns is, “Won’t the hair grow back thicker?”. While you may think that, what actually happens is that the shaft gets a blunt tip after being cut. This appears larger than the naturally grown hair, which has a fine point, but once your hair naturally falls out, it regrows the same length and diameter.
Another common misconception, most people have, is the development of unnatural hair growth as the result of cutting fine hairs, “Will I grow a beard?”. Nope! Dermaplaning does not stimulate new or unnatural hair growth; your hair will grow back normally.
Who Should Avoid Dermaplaning?
Anyone with:
Skin Lesions
Open Wounds/Open Sores
Cystic Acne
Highly Sensitive Skin
Is dermaplaning painful?
Not at all! Dermaplaning is completely painless, non-invasive, and a minimal risk procedure.
If you have any questions or concerns, it’s recommended to consult an aesthetician with these problems before scheduling an appointment. Contact AL&AI to schedule a dermaplaning appointment today!