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LED Light Therapy- How Does It Work?


A light-emitting diode (LED), commonly known as light therapy, produces low levels of light energy.

Similar to the process by which plant life transforms light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis, LED devices produce a type of energy necessary for the repair and regeneration of human cells.

Is this generated energy safe to use on your skin?

Yes, in fact, this limited thermal effect makes it safe for use in non-medical treatment settings and also for client at-home use.

How Does LED Light Therapy Work?

The light-emitting diode is a type of semiconductor that transforms electrical energy into light energy that is let out in the form of photons.

What are photons?

Bundles of light energy.

If you're like me, you may wonder at this point, ' Why am I learning about photons ?'

Learning about how our body reacts to photons enables us to comprehend how LED Light Therapy benefits our skin.

Our body's cells have the ability to absorb photons and transform them to a form of energy that cells use to execute normal functions.

What is this form of energy referred to as?

This form of energy is called adenosine triphosphate and is most recognized by its acronym ATP.

I understand that you may be thinking, ' Why am I learning about ATP?'.

I can go on and on about how ATP performs a multitude of essential functions for our body, but we are here to understand how it benefits the skin.

One of its essential functions is to build proteins like collagen and elastin, to repair and regenerate cell components, forward cell proliferation, and maintain homeostasis for cell stability and the facilitation of healing.

Here are where the pieces are coming together.

As we grow older, we produce less ATP, which prevents our cells from performing at its peak. LED, like lasers, use specific wavelengths of the light spectrum to target areas within the skin to stimulate particular responses in the body.

Benefits of LED Light Therapy

Now that we know how this process functions, we need to know how this impacts us. The most common uses for LED include acne reduction, controlling inflammation, increasing skin circulation, and stimulating collagen production in the skin.

Benefits of LED Therapy:

  • Reduced visible signs of aging, acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and inflammation

  • Increased circulation

  • Minimize the appearance of pores

  • Increase skin density

  • Better product absorption

  • Accelerated healing

  • Prevention of environmental damage.

In addition, there are multiple LED Light Therapy wavelengths that can be tailored to your needs.

The variety of colors in LED l-Light Therapy and their different functions are below:

Red (625-700nm): Anti-aging

Purple(400-420nm): Increases cell rejuvenation

Blue(440-500nm): Eliminates acne and whitens teeth

Cyan(500-520nm): Calms and soothes irritated skin

Green(520-565nm): Helps even out skin tone

Yellow(565-590nm): Alleviates redness from inflammation, sunburn, and rosacea

Orange(590-625nm): Promotes a brighter glow

Infrared(750-1000nm): Penetrates deeper into the skin for boosted results

What This Can Mean for You

Now having a foundation of LED Light Therapy, call us to book a consultation with one of our licensed and experienced professionals to experience these beautiful results!

In your personalized consultation, you will be provided with the appropriate color of light for your skin's needs.

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